Growing Up With U2

Before It Was Cool To Hate Bono & His Boys Everybody hates U2 – or at least Bono. It’s official. Not content with becoming the butt of South Park jokes, being criticised for less than transparent tax arrangements, befriending Popes, trying to save Africa, hanging out with Presidents of the United States, wearing ridiculous designer… Continue reading Growing Up With U2

From Threshold To Liquorice Allstars

Quite The Reunion Gig I Wasn’t Expecting! In an earlier posting I wrote about my old band ‘Threshold’, from 30 years ago, reuniting for a rehearsal and talking about playing together again. Well, that was in January 2012 so it’s only taken us another year to do the same thing – but this time for… Continue reading From Threshold To Liquorice Allstars