Roger Taylor’s Drums – and me!

How I got closer to the Queen drummer’s gear The internet’s a funny old thing, a double-edged sword at the best of times. One minute you can be finding all sorts of information about stuff you didn’t know existed, the next arguing with somebody on the other side of the world you have never met.… Continue reading Roger Taylor’s Drums – and me!

Book Review: ‘Escaping the Delta: Robert Johnson and the Invention of the Blues’ By Elijah Wald

The Story Of How One Man’s Life Was Reinvented To Create A Mythical Late 20th Century Musical Genre To many British readers, this review is going to be controversial for which I make no apology. However, I must stress that despite how uncomfortable this might be for some, I am only ‘the messenger’ for a… Continue reading Book Review: ‘Escaping the Delta: Robert Johnson and the Invention of the Blues’ By Elijah Wald

‘Wait For The Ricochet’ – The Story Of ‘Deep Purple In Rock’

My Ian Paice Knowledge Finally Comes To Fruition It was back in 2010 that Stephen Clare tracked me down from an article I wrote about an Ian Paice drum clinic I’d helped to promote to ask me if I’d care to write some words about Paice’s playing and general style for a potential book. There… Continue reading ‘Wait For The Ricochet’ – The Story Of ‘Deep Purple In Rock’

Modern Drummer Published Me Again!

Mark Brzezicki Modern Drummer Magazine Feature Funny how the cookie crumbles; one part of your life, you’re listening to a drummer who is currently top of your inspiration list and reading a hard-to-buy leading American drumming magazine, fast-forward 30 years (give or take) and you’re interviewing the aforementioned drummer and writing in the magazine about… Continue reading Modern Drummer Published Me Again!